"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0" :-Unknown


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Web Hosting and Domain

Let me share few information regarding Web hosting and DNS.

Web Host -Means Server where our website resides.This always up and connected to internet to make our web site active.

Shared Hosting:- Most of the host provides Shared Hosting , as it is meaningless to use whole server for small website which does not have very heavy traffic or not a big application.
At that time on a on server more then one website is hosted and manged.shared hosting is widely used , it is very cost effective too.Shared hosting may not provide full access to server(it is depends upon service provider also).

Dedicated Server:- Dedicated Server means only one particuler website or particular user owns a server.Where Owner(Person who purchase Dedicated server from host ,yes your own pc also can be a dedicated server).Owner have full access of server ,freedom of installing new s/w ,uninstall s/w.

DNS:-Domain Name Server
As we all knows on back side web request is made through IPs.
DNS :- Map the IP(where our website hosted) and Domain Name (like www.google.com ).
As defination you can say 
DNS is the service which translates between Internet names and Internet addresses.
If you are working on a Windows machine, you can view your current IP address with the command WINIPCFG.EXE (IPCONFIG.EXE for Windows 2000/XP). On a UNIX machine, type nslookup along with a machine name (such as "nslookup www.howstuffworks.com") to display the IP address of the machine (use the command hostname to learn the name of your machine).

DNS is such a big thing so it can not be explained in a single post I will add more information about it.

Have a nice day... 'N happy Coding :)

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